Web-Visitenkarte von Sen.Sc. Mag.phil. Anne Faucheret


Postanschrift: A-1010 Wien, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Standort: Rosenbursenstraße 3 (Georg-Coch-Platz 2), 1. St.
Telefon: -
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eMail: anne.faucheret@uni-ak.ac.at
Web: -
Organisationseinheit(en): Artistic Strategies

Aktuelles Lehrangebot

2023W Sem. Std.

2024S Sem. Std.

VU Exhibitions. Thinking with them and making them. (Season 1) 2 -
VU Exhibitions. Thinking with them and making them. (Season 2) - 2
VU Insularities, Immunities, Communities 2 2
PA Strategies of public interventions - 2
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